The Sixth Commandment
219) The sixth commandment is to engage in multiplication. Anyone who engages in multiplication causes that river, Yesod of ZA, to always be springing. Its waters do not cease, and the sea, Malchut, is filled on all sides. And new souls are renewed and come out of that tree, and many hosts multiply above, with those souls, to keep them, as it is written, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures.” This is the token of the holy covenant, the river that stretches and comes out of Eden, whose waters swell and swarm with swarms and multiplication of souls for that animal.
This is so because by the awakening below, he awakens above and causes the coupling of the Creator and His Shechina [Divinity]. Then the river, Yesod of ZA, will always spring with MAD, and its waters will never cease from bestowing upon the Nukva. And the sea, Nukva of ZA, will be filled on all sides, from the side of the coupling, to revive the worlds, and from the side of begetting souls. And new souls are renewed and come out of that tree.
That is, not actually new souls, but old souls that have already been in Adam HaRishon and fell from him due to the sin of the tree of knowledge. They are renewed by that tree, ZA. They are called “new souls” since actual new souls come to the world only after the end of the correction of the sin of the tree of knowledge. And many hosts are emanated above with those souls, since with each soul, several angels emerge. Also, in couplings to revive the worlds, angels come out, as well.
It is written, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures.” This is the token of the holy covenant, the river that stretches and comes out of Eden, since swarming with living creatures implies to Yesod of ZA, who is called “the token of the covenant.” This is a river that stretches and comes out from ZA, clothing AVI, Eden, to water the garden, his Nukva. “…whose waters swell and swarm with swarms,” meaning with the couplings of VAK, which are called “swarms.” This is the meaning of “Swarm with swarms.” With respect to the couplings of GAR for begetting souls, it was said, “And multiplication of souls” for that animal. And she is the one who is called “Living creature” [also “living soul” in Hebrew].
220) Several birds, angels, come out with those souls that enter that animal, Malchut. They fly and roam throughout the world, and when a soul comes out to this world, the bird that flew comes out with her and comes out with the soul from that tree. How many angels come out with each soul? Two—one on the right, and one on the left. If he is rewarded, they guard him, as it is written, “For He will give His angels charge over you, to keep you.” And if not, they slander him.
Rabbi Pinhas said, “Three angels protect a person when he is rewarded, as it is written, ‘If there is an angel as an advocate for him, one out of a thousand, to speak of a person’s uprightness.’ ‘If there is an angel’ is one, ‘an advocate’ is two, ‘one out of a thousand, to speak of a person’s uprightness’ is three.”
221) Rabbi Shimon said, “They are five angels, for it is also written, ‘And let him pardon him, and say, ‘Deliver him from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom.’’ ‘And let him pardon him’ is one; ‘And say’ is two, thus five.” He replied to him, “This is not so. Rather, ‘And let him pardon him’ is the Creator alone, and not an angel, for none other has permission to pardon him except Him.”
Along with the souls, several angels are born and emerge. They are called “birds,” and they assist the souls to sentence to the side of merit, or to the contrary—they slander them and push them toward the side of fault. They fly and roam throughout the world and see the Creator’s guidance on all the people in the world, how they are governed by Him, and they notify the soul.
If the soul is rewarded, it sentences itself and the whole world to the side of merit. If she is not rewarded, she shifts sentences and the entire world to the side of fault. This is why he asks, “How many angels come out with each soul?”
Rabbi Pinhas does not dispute Rabbi Shimon, saying that only two birds are born with the soul. Instead, he says that as long as he has only those two birds, he cannot sentence himself to the side of merit completely, but is thrown from judgment to mercy and from mercy to judgment. However, through good deeds, a third angel is born to him, and then he is rewarded with sentencing to the side of merit. This is why he said that three angels protect a person—when he is rewarded—since he cannot be rewarded if not by three angels.
222) One who refrains from multiplication diminishes the form that includes all the forms, the human form, and causes the arresting of the water of that river—Yesod of ZA, blemishing the holy covenant on all the sides. It is written about him, “Then they will go forth and look on the corpses of the men who have transgressed against Me.” Indeed “Me,” and this concerns the body, but his soul does not enter the screen at all, the domain of the Creator, and he is expelled from the world.
Malchut is called “a form.” It contains all the forms because all the forms of NRN of the righteous and the angels of the three worlds BYA are drawn by her. Those are her troops and armies. Hence, one who does not engage in multiplication diminishes the image of Malchut and detains her from bringing out all her troops and armies, since the awakening from below evokes a corresponding awakening from above, causing a coupling of the Creator and His Shechina, to beget NRN and angels in BYA.
One who refrains from multiplication causes the water of that river, Yesod of ZA, to not be drawn out. It causes Yesod of ZA to not give MAD to the holy Shechina, blemishing the holy covenant in all the phases in it, as it detains the two forms of coupling, from the side of VAK and from the side of GAR. It is written about it, “Then they will go forth and look on the corpses of the men who have transgressed against Me,” since the commandment of multiplication permanently enhances his soul.
Also, by that he defeats his body forever, so it will be at the revival of the dead. And one who does not engage in multiplication makes his body like a corpse, his soul will not enter the domain of the Creator, and he is repelled from the next world.